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Welcome to the Victorian Government's Agent Alert for migration agents and representatives.
In this edition:
Changes to the Victorian State Nomination Occupation list
The Victorian State Nomination Occupation Lists have been updated to reflect changing labour market demand within Victoria.
The following occupations have been removed:
All of the Automotive Trades have been removed:
The requirement for statisticians to have science experience has been removed.
Visa nomination applications will be assessed against these changes from Monday 26 October.
Visit the Live in Victoria website for the most current occupation lists:
Assessment processing times
Victoria’s visa nomination assessment processing times can change in response to fluctuations in demand for services. To check the current processing times visit the Live in Victoria website:
If you do not receive any communication within the published timeframes please contact:
Telephone: + 61 3 9651 9756
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SkillSelect changes - lodge directly with Victoria
Please lodge Victorian visa nomination applications directly through the Live in Victoria website. To reduce visa nomination processing times, Victoria’s Skilled and Business Migration Program no longer initiates contact with applicants via SkillSelect.
Business Migration Updates
Demonstrating economic benefit for Victorian business visa nomination
Victoria offers visa nomination for a range of business migration visas which require the applicant to undertake business activity:
Applications for business migration visa nomination must demonstrate the business skills the applicant will utilise within their intended business activity. Applications must also demonstrate their intention to engage in business activity which contributes economic benefit to Victoria such as investment, employment creation and job retention in Victoria.
Significant Investor visa nomination application form update
Applications for Victorian Significant Investor visa nomination resumed on the Live in Victoria website on 1 July 2015 under the new complying investment framework
A new Significant Investor visa nomination online application form is in development. In the interim an MS Word form is available on the Live in Victoria website: State Nominated Business Significant Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 188C) offline application form v3 (DOC, 297 KB)
To lodge an application for Victorian visa nomination under the Significant Investor visa program, please return a completed application form with supporting documents to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We welcome your feedback on this new form and Victoria's investor migration visa nomination process. Please forward any comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Export business activity and economic benefit to Victoria
Applicants for business migration visa nomination who propose to undertake export activity as their intended business must demonstrate that the business will make a direct contribution to the Victorian economy. Examples of how to demonstrate economic contribution can include identifying:
Export businesses should demonstrate that they will not engage in ‘grey market’ or ‘parallel exporting’, that is, activities where goods are imported and sold in an export market without the consent of the owner of the goods’ trademark.
Applicants for provisional visas must demonstrate the intended contribution to the Victorian economy. Evidence will be required at the permanent residency visa nomination application stage to demonstrate this ongoing economic contribution.
Additional business or investment activity requirements for Business Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 188B)
Applicants seeking Victorian nomination under the Business Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 188B) must make a designated investment of at least $A1.5 million with the Treasury Corporation of Victoria and make a commitment to live and do business in Victoria.
Applicants who wish to apply for visa nomination under the State Nominated Business Investor (Permanent) visa (subclass 888B) must meet the Business Investor (Provisional) visa (subclass 188B) investment requirement and must also have engaged in business or active investment activity in addition to their designated investment.
The business activity should take place before the last year of the provisional visa in order for the applicant to meet the second stage permanent residency.
Change of business activity
Please notify the Victorian nomination processing team in writing if your client wishes to change their business activities after their visa nomination has been approved. Please include a brief explanation of the reason for the changes: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To be able to provide us with notification of a change in an applicant’s business activity, you must be listed as the client’s nominated representative on an Appointment of Agent form Please email completed forms to: businessThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would like your advice about citizenship testing.i been in Australia on 09.08.2009 with the tourism visa.and I over stay with my visa.and after in 2013 I have married with my wife in Victoria who sponsored me to live in Australia.and I continued to stay and tried for apply applications form would like to stay in Australia.i have avalaible temperary visa on 25 February 2014 and get a permanent resident visa on 19 January 2017.i have to read information about the new law for citizenship applying.the law have to require to stay in Australia for 4 would like u help to advice me when I can apply citizenship?thank u very much for ur advice.