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Eddie Kang back in business, while awaiting trial?

According to an ABC report, the man “accused of ripping off foreign students is continuing to run his operation despite facing 22 charges of fraud and misconduct.”

Kang has denied the charges including a claim of making death threats against a client. He told the ABC via email that in fact he provides full refunds to his clients after all appeals are exhausted. Kang has also reportedly sued the ABC for defamation.

A DIBP spokesperson told that ABC that it conducted extensive investigations into the alleged practices of Kang relating to migration advice and visa applications, which has included working with a number of Federal and State government agencies.

Despite all this, he now calls himself Ted Kang and operates under the business name Skylane, which is offering to help clients secure visas and jobs.

The ABC reports that for the first time a former employee has made new claims about Mr Kang and how his business operates, giving an insider account of how he believes Kang is misleading both his clients and the Department of Immigration.

The former employee told Lateline that Kang sets up fake email accounts to try and obtain visas for clients. He poses as an individual in his dealings with the Department, but he poses as a migration agent in his dealings with the client.

"The way he organises it is he takes money from the clients and poses as the client in setting up a Gmail account similar to their name," said the former employee.

"[He] makes contact to the Department of Immigration on the web and registers with that client's name with some slight alteration to it.

"He's posing as a client, and he doesn't inform the client of this and he doesn't give the client access or control of the Gmail account."

The Migration Act states: "A person who is not a registered migration agent must not ask for or receive any fee or other reward for giving immigration assistance."

The penalty is up to 10 years in prison.

Read the full ABC report here.

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  • Guest
    Glen Thursday, 01 October 2015

    :( This is why RMAs get no respect from DIBP. An unregistered agent is allowed to do what ever they want, so the impression is that most agents working in this industry are dodgy in some way. The 'rudeness' how RMAs are treated when they try to call DIBP to resolve an issue. We all know that the officers answering the phones are usually new to the department and probably have very limited knowledge, yet they have a standard rebuttal, you are an agent, you should know all this (usually with a condescending tone). Any experienced RMA would know that, calling DIBP for support is almost a waste of at least 1 hour of their day (on call waiting).

    Case officers have very little repercussion for making bad decisions. RMAs have a code of conduct to adhere to and can lose their license to practice if found in breach. Do case officers get fired for making bad decisions or just a 'naughty' warning???

  • Guest
    bish Friday, 09 December 2016

    there is something doddgy here. despite knowing that eddie kang is scamming people. immigration has its lips closed. Eddie kang is able to buy top officials of department to continue his bussiness. Its been six years and he is still continuing his bussiness from heart of Australia at end of 2016.

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