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Chinese rush to fill work & holiday visa spots within minutes of its start

The long awaited work and holiday visa program with China has started and applications for the first tranche of the subclass 462 visas were filled within minutes of being made available, according to a news release from the office of the immigration minister, Peter Dutton.

An initial 1500 visas will be available under a new arrangement with China which came into effect this week. The arrangement will eventually allow 5000 young Chinese people to enjoy an extended holiday in Australia with the opportunity to engage in short term work or study.

The Work and Holiday visa agreement with China Subclass 462 is for young, educated, Chinese nationals aged between 18 and 30 years. It will be capped at the 5000 visa places each year.

"These 5000 young Chinese people will join the ranks of around 240,000 young people from around the world each year who enjoy a working holiday in Australia," Mr Dutton said.

"China will be joining a host of other countries given access to the Work and Holiday programme."

The first 5000 places will be offered throughout 2015-16.

Mr Dutton said Australia is one of the first countries to introduce this unique experience for young people from China, providing Australia with a point of difference in the very competitive and important Chinese tourism market.

"Last financial year, China was the largest source country for visitors to Australia. To support the continuing growth in tourism from China, the Department has successfully implemented a trial of an online visa lodgement system in China, which will be expanded in 2016. "In 2016 we will also commence a trial of 10 year visitor visas, a premium fast-track service and Chinese language support for online visas," Mr Dutton said.

Some of the common FAQs of the new program are as follows:

What can a Work and Holiday visa holder do in Australia?
The visa allows the holder to:
• stay in Australia for 12 months from their date of first arrival;
• work for the 12 month duration of their stay, but for no longer than six months with any one employer;
• study for four months.

What are the visa’s eligibility requirements?
General eligibility requirements for Chinese Work and Holiday visa applicants will be:
• hold a valid Chinese passport;
• are at least 18 but have not turned 31 years of age at the time an application is lodged;
• will not be with a dependent child while in Australia;
• have enough money for support on a working holiday (about AUD $5000);
• have enough money to buy a return or onward travel ticket at the end of the stay;
• have not previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday visa (subclass 417);
• hold tertiary qualifications, or have successfully completed at least two years of undergraduate university study;
• have functional English;
• meet character and health requirements; and
• are a genuine visitor.

How many times can a person apply for this visa

It’s a once in a life-time opportunity.

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  • Neville Desmond-Pearsall
    Neville Desmond-Pearsall Thursday, 24 September 2015

    Thanks for this update. Does anyone have any idea when the 462 will be introduced for Vietnam following announcement of agreement earlier this year?

  • Guest
    Mick gubb Wednesday, 30 September 2015

    Tertiary requirement seems high.

    Is this china specific?

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