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Migration Agent Adopts Secured Signing to Avoid Paperwork Delays

No one likes waiting, least of all to get paid. ASC Migration use Secured Signing to turn around agreements more quickly to get paid sooner. 

Given a choice between one marshmallow now, or 2 marshmallows in 15 minutes, 2 out of 3 kids take the sugar hit straight away. It seems an aversion to waiting is hard wired into most of us. But when it comes to running a small business, getting paid earlier is also good business sense. So it is not surprising that when John Kavanagh of ASC Migration found a business tool that allowed him to get paid 2-3 weeks more quickly, he grabbed it with both hands.

ASC Migration is a registered migration agent under the Federal Government’s Migration Agents Registration Authority. Part of the Code of Conduct for registered agents is to establish a written acceptance from their client before starting work and charging for that work. It typically took 2-3 weeks to turnaround a written agreement sent by post and usually required a lot of follow up to ensure the paperwork didn't get lost in the top drawer.

More than 6 years ago, Mr Kavanagh went looking for a better way and found Secured Signing, an online digital signature service. Now, the agreement is added to Secured Signing and clients are invited to sign the document online. Moving to an online signing process has seen agreements turned around in as little as 5 minutes. This means work can commence immediately, the process for the client can start sooner and of course ASC Migration can get paid for their work more quickly.  “It is one of the best tools in my business”. 

With the Authority being so strict on its members, information governance is also important.  Having the signed electronic original of the agreement allows ASC Migration to store the document electronically without the need for scanning or paperwork clogging up expensive office real estate. If there’s every any question or need to refer to the contract Mr. Kavanagh is confident he can access it in minutes.

As one of the earliest adopters, Mr. Kavanagh has been impressed with the continual development of the Secured Signing service. “The ability to create and manage templates for the email invitations has been a great innovation and one example of the ongoing development” he said. “It allows me to include specific instructions for my clients in the invitation to sign.”

Having local support has been a real asset in working with Secured Signing. “Anytime I have sent an email asking a question or looking for help the response has always been fantastic.  I’ve had responses back in hours and at times of the day I wouldn't have expected an answer until the next business day.”

“Secured Signing has been very good for me and very good for my business” said Mr.  Kavanagh.

“It’s really pleasing to hear positive feedback about the service and support we provide” said Mike Eyal, the Managing Director of Secured Signing. “Our development and support team are all local so we understand the specific needs of our customers and are best placed to support them when they need assistance.” 

Secured Signing offers a special price plan for Migration Alliance members, create a Pay As You Go Paid account by clicking here.

About ASC Migration

ASC Migrations' Australian Registered Migration Agent has been providing guaranteed accurate and specific expert migration advice and services since 2003. Our professional migration visa services have assisted 1000’s of people to immigrate ‘Down Under’ and create a new life for themselves.

For more information please visit at   

About Secured Signing

Secured Signing provides a comprehensive and secure SaaS digital signature service that delivers a full range of form completion and eSigning capabilities combining advanced personalised X509 PKI Digital Signature technology with easy-to-use, simple-to-deploy, compliant solutions. Secured Signing enables its users to utilise smartphones, PCs, any tablet device and any browser, to capture their graphical signature, fill-in, sign, seal and verify documents anywhere, anytime. The solution streamlines business processes, cuts back on expenses, expedites delivery cycles, improves staff efficiency and enhances customer service in a green environment.

For more information please visit at .

Press Contact:

David Schulz

Secured Signing

Phone AUS: 1800 305 175

Phone NZ: 0800 55 33 66

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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