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Australian Immigration Law blog

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Training Benchmark A or B with Sydney TAFE is still the best way to go

There is a lot of scuttlebutt around at the moment concerning Training Benchmarks A and B.

Consider this offering from a private organisation in our industry who happens to be in the training benchmark B “market" (ie they only sell benchmark B):

"The Department of immigration has informed ‘stakeholders of a change to policy guidance relating to industry training funds. No commission can be paid from Training benchmark A contributions and Training Benchmark A contributions cannot be made to TAFEs and Universities if there is a statutory Industry Training Fund operative.”

There are 4 levels in all of this.

1/ First there is the Act, then there are the Regs, then we have the legislative instrument (it has not been changed) then at the bottom of the pile we have the policy.

2/ The Act, Regs and the Legislative Instrument all remain unchanged.

3/ The new policy is set out in the MA blog as follows:

4/ I am of the view that there is no lawful policy requirement to the effect that the payee of Training benchmark A must ,in the face of an ‘industry training fund’ choose the industry training fund over, for example Sydney TAFE. 

This is not a case of either/or.

The Legislative instrument does not specify the relevant approved industry training fund, nor is there any register of any funds. There is no approval process as such. In fact DIBP bends over backwards to avoid any recommendation to that effect.

My view (and I have no financial interest in this) is that as long as Sydney TAFE remains within the scope of the Legislative Instrument there are no dramas with your clients getting through this.    Sydney TAFE operate an Industry scholarship fund.

I do not recommend the Training Benchmark B pathway unless there is a verifiable and implemented training plan.

Sydney TAFE has the runs on the Board. Sydney TAFE can give you the receipt you need as quickly as you can pay.  Sydney TAFE is compliant, transparent and reliable.

Don’t let the benchmark B spruikers spook you into sending them your money.  Stick with Sydney TAFESydney TAFE offer Training Benchmark A and Training Benchmark B.   

If you have questions about Training Benchmark A or B then please don't listen to what the private  spruikers in the training benchmark B space are telling you.  Contact Sydney TAFE directly:

Phone: (02) 9217 4570 > Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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