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The mad hatters tea party or what is happening at DIBP Brisbane?

I have been approached by a colleague who has slipped through the looking glass and is now stuck at the mad hatters tea party for eternity and is destined to cycle back and forth between the MRT and DIBP.

Here is the story so far ( we have the permission of the client to publish these details):

Dear XXXX,

I represent MMMMMMMM Pty Ltd in various S/C 457 Nominations and the associated Visa Applications for their employees. Undoubtedly you are aware that the current determination by the DIBP is that the YYYYYYYYY Restaurants operated by MMMMMMM Pty Ltd are Fast Food outlets. Consequently they are excluded from nominating the occupations of Cook or Restaurant Manager under the 457 Program.

Last year 6 matters (2 nominations and their 2 associated visa applications + 2 visa applications) regarding this specific 'fast food' policy classification were taken to the Migration Review Tribunal for review. In August and September 2014 these matters were reviewed by the Tribunal and it was determined:-

1.       the 2 nomination decisions were set aside with a substituted decision that the nominations are approved (on the determination that MMMMMMM Pty Ltd was operating restaurants)

2.       the associated 2 visa applications for those nominations were remitted for further consideration in light of the approval of the nominations

3.       the other 2 visa applications were remitted with the consideration that MMMMMMM Pty Ltd was operating restaurants

Having received a confirmation from the Tribunal that MMMMMMM was operating Restaurants (except for one of their establishments which is considered a fast food outlet) I requested that the DIBP reconsider their classification of MMMMMMMM Pty Ltd. Last week it was communicated to me via email '... We have confirmed with our Policy colleagues that the MRT decisions are not judicial decisions which bind the Department in any future applications'.

Today the following developments occurred in relation to the matters which were remitted by the Tribunal:-

1.       the 2 nominations which were approved by the Tribunal were refused by the DIBP and the associated visa applications refused for not having an associated approved nomination

2.       the 2 visa applications which were remitted received a letter in relation to the pending nominations raising the issue that MMMMM Pty Ltd is operating fast food establishments and  are excluded from the 457 Program. It is expected that although the fast food issue was addressed in the visa applications that were remitted to the DIBP,  as the 'nominations' are new applications (obviously because the original approved ones had expired during the period of the appeal) the decisions of the MRT will not be taken into account and the nominations and therefore the visa applications will be refused.

Additionally another 457 visa application which was originally refused based of 'skill/qualification requirements' which was remitted earlier this year also received a refusal in relation to the associated nomination on the 'fast food' issue and the associated visa was of course also refused.

It is adamantly clear that although the Tribunal have on four separate occasions determined that MMMMMM Pty Ltd is operating Restaurants Departmental Policy does not share the same sentiment and does not want to take into consideration the decisions of the Tribunal.

In one of the refusals received today the Delegate referred to various social media articles in support of the Departments classification that MMMMMMM Pty Ltd is operating  fast food outlets. It is comforting that weight is placed on social media articles as opposed to four unanimous decisions from the Migration Review Tribunal.

The manner in which the DIBP is managing this 'fast food' issue specifically with my client and in light of the determinations of the MRT is disgraceful. It undermines the Tribunal, the process of appeal and the rule of law. Importantly, it wastes the resources of the Commonwealth. It is expected that after four decisions the Policy classification of MMMMMMM Pty Ltd would be changed to reflect the Tribunals decisions. I respectfully request that this matter be considered further. I am open to liaise with the DIBP in finding a resolution to this matter otherwise appeals will have to be lodged on every application refused on this point and the discontent in regards to the management of this issue voiced.

I think it is fair to say that DIBP has locked itself into what in judicial terms is referred to as “Application of a rule or policy without regard to the merits of the case”

What concerns me is that Brisbane seems to have dug a policy hole for itself where it simply cannot admit they have got it wrong.

The role of policy is not to supplant the relevant statutory provisions but to act as a guide to decision makers so as to ensure that there is consistency in the decision making process.

The policy is not a licence to be stupid or irrational.

Whilst I accept that the doctrine of stare decisis (policy of courts to abide by or adhere to principles established by decisions in earlier cases) does not underpin the decisions of the MRT, they can neverthess inform DIBP to such an extent that the relevant policy position may be varied.

Can someone please get Brisbane DIBP to wake up to itself?

Do you have any examples of Brisbane getting it wrong and then your client wins at the MRT and then DIBP (Brisbane) refuses to in effect implement the findings of the MRT?

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  • Guest
    Lalin De Silva Wednesday, 19 November 2014

    Wow, this is quite an interesting happening because of the fact that the DIBP has/had not moved in the Federal Circuit Court to have this Decision of the MRT reversed.
    My thinking would have been that if the DIBP did not agree with the Decision of the MRT m(which they have a right to do) then they should have and would have had recourse to the Federal Circuit Court to have that Decision Set aside.
    In saying that, even the MRT is under the authority of the same Minister in charge of the DIBP, and here we see two arms of the Minister not willing to cooperate with one another bringing this whole system into disrepute.
    That is a crying shame; whom can we then rely on?

  • Guest
    Naz Wednesday, 19 November 2014

    Another good example of the inconsistency within the department on this particular issue is that they have refused a cook nomination with one RMA on the basis that the employer runs a fast food outlet and few days later accepted another cook nomination with the same employer however with a different RMA . Same documents and information were relied upon

  • Guest
    Mark Wednesday, 19 November 2014

    If the Department can simply refuse to accept or abide by the results of the MRT, what is the point of the MRT at all? Shocking story. Undermines the entire credibility of the MRT process. What a waste of time and money for applicants. The Department has appointed itself judge, jury and executioner on these cases, with no regard for the decision of the MRT.

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    Wendy Thursday, 20 November 2014

    It seems to be a classic case of the Minister Exceeding his powers. The Minister's 'view' should be reflected in PAMS, if anywhere.. and now there is another layer of Internal Directives that we (as Migration Agents) don't have access too. This is just downright wrong.

    I have had the same problem insofar has Franchises and the Occupations: Restaurant Manager and Cook. These last two particularly relating to 'Casual Dining' Franchises, where before last May/Jun 2013 I was getting regular approvals under the Cafe' and Restaurant Category for a particular Franchise, then suddenly the Department 'changed their view' and now my clients are excluded from the 457 Program. Policy didn't change significantly to excluded the Client from the category.

    I wrote to Policy seeking clarification and bombarded them with compelling evidence, but they refuted my evidence completely. It's maddening.

    My MRT cases are coming up in December, so it will be interesting to see how they go. I have indisputable evidence that they do sit firmly in the Cafe and Restaurant category. Also interesting is that the MRT cases that had decisions remitted back to the Department, have actually been 'pulled' from the MRT publicly listed cases. You can't find them and I have the reference numbers of the cases. They are not there.

    This is a shocking abuse of the powers of the Department and the lack of transparency is downright disrespectful to Migration Agents and the access to giving clear advice and pathways for success based on the known elements of the Act, the Legislation AND PAM's.

    What to do?.. there is a conspiracy at foot! :( I'd really like to see how many Migration Agents are having similar problems for Franchises and Occupations: Customer Service Manager, Restaurant Manager and Cook, in particular?

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