Breaking Australian immigration news brought to you by Migration Alliance and associated bloggers.
One of the hardest things about setting up a business in Australia is understanding all of the laws and cultrual issues tht affect the running of a business. Now migration are in a position to not only help your clients through increased support, but at the same time, benefit directly.
With decades of experience at its disposal, CHINA HR can make sure your clients are compliant from day one in all of its staffing challenges. It is difficult for companies who have been in Australia for several years to compete against local operations. CHINA HR gives your clients that competitive advantage by applying its combined knowledge gained through years in the Australian workplace. CHINA HR uses state of the art technology to support your client's business at an economical rate as well as providing access to executives who have worked in the highest levels of Corporate Australia.
CHINA HR is the expert in the provision of the following services:
CHINA HR can offer your clients an instant 'start-up' package that provides them with:
1. Every policy and procedure, form amnd template in an online Human Resoueces system - everything they will need to compliant from day 1; PLUS
2. unlimited access by phone and email to a Human Resources Director appointed to look after their business.
As a trusted partner with CHINA HR, Migration Alliance has negotiated that you will receive the instant package for free.
As part of the partnership with you, CHINA HR will provide each migration agent with a commission for every one of your clients who accepts the service, and will pay you commission every time that client uses CHINA HR for as long as they continue to do so. There is no cost to you other than to explain your superior services to your new clients.
Registered Migration Agents who are looking to grow their business and do not want to be left at a disadvantage are quickly responding to all of the advantages of being a CHINA HR partner.
By affiliating with CHINA HR you get immediate competitive advantage. They will assist you to inform the marketplace of your superior services, leaving you to concentrate on the important matters around supporting your new and successful clients. CHINA HR would be delighted if you considered them as your business partner in people management when introducing your clients to Australia.
CHINA HR helps you to grow your business by being a provider of superior services, in particular in the business skills, business talent and Significant Investor visa streams.
For more information contact CHINA HR on 1300 244 624 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.