Breaking Australian immigration news brought to you by Migration Alliance and associated bloggers.
Migration Alliance is proud to invite you to an exclusive Business Lunch hosted by Craig Laundy MP, Federal Member for Reid, with special guest, The Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister.
This is a unique opportunity for migration agent voices to be heard on key points affecting the migration profession.
Migration Alliance board will be in attendance at this meeting beating the drum hard on the following issues:
1/ Over-regulation by the Office of the MARA on CPD framework (eg 2 hours per 1 CPD point for a conference)
2/ IELTS test for new migration agents entering the profession
3/ Unregistered practice has to go - if the DIBP only regulates Australians and yet allows shonky operators to continue then what is the point?
4/ Repeat registration - why does it have to be annual? If agents have been in the profession for 5 years then it should drop to bi-annual or tri-annual
5/ What does our annual fee get us per year? Which service are we receiving for this huge annual fee / charge?
6/ Conflict of interest - Office of the MARA is not independent. We are regulated by DIBP (OMARA is a division of DIBP). The profession needs an independent regulator who can actually offer services much the like Law Society offers to lawyers.
There needs to be a radical overhaul of Professional Standards in any review to cut red tape.
There needs to be a highly competent legally qualified person managing this section within OMARA .