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Migration Alliance ends relationship with LexisNexis

Today Migration Alliance made a decision to stop promoting and advertising the LexisNexis immigration 'professional library' product.

Christopher Levingston has today said:

'The product promoted by LexisNexis and in effect "sold" to MA fell short of the expectatons of the profession.  When it became apparent that what was on offer fell short of the expectations I urgently sought a meeting with LexisNexis to discuss my concerns about the continuing relationship.'

We have, in making this decision, taken the best interests of the profession into consideration.

Feedback from RMAs has confirmed that the LexisNexis immigration module is not 'handy', is 'confusing' and that the 'links do not work well'. 

Christopher Levingston has confirmed that he 'does not think that the LexisNexis product in it's current form represents good value'. 

Christopher says:

'If LexisNexis or anyone can get themselves organised to produce a comprehensive package which incorporates all of the best features of Legend, commentary and case law, precedents and a comprehensive client management system then I would buy that product myself.  At the moment I am purchasing multiple products, multiple platforms which do not harmonise and cost a fortune.  Is there anyone out there who has that product with those features?'.

It is true that Migration Alliance had hoped for a product that would rival the product of LEGENDcom and at a lower price but unfortunately, in our view, what has been presented to the profession falls short of agent expectations.

Registered Migration Agents have complained that the functionality of LexisNexis does not work as well as LEGENDcom.  The internal links apparently don't work well, and they do not bring you to the specific, related PAMs and legislation, instead they take the user to a generic page where the agent must then search through that page to find what they are looking for.

Today, LexisNexis asked us to let them know, quite forcibly if I might add, by close of business Thursday 5 December 2013, whether we wish to work with LexisNexis going forward. 

LexisNexis requested that we send through a proposal for this relationship in 2014, by close of business Tuesday 10 December 2013.  There were certain terms to that proposal set by LexisNexis which I found to be quite unacceptable.

Further, the marketing by LexisNexis was, in my view, oppressive and did not represent an exclusive offer to members of MA. 

We have today declined to enter into any further agreement or relationship with LexisNexis.  The relationship has been severed, effective immediately.

Please feel free to add any comments to this blog, including any feedback you have.





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  • Guest
    Satish Thursday, 05 December 2013

    Thank goodness you said something so us RMAs didn't have to....

  • Guest
    Carlos Sellanes Thursday, 05 December 2013

    Thanks Chris, I was about to ask Kevin if he was interested in using LexisNexis as they ahd been marketing very heavily towards our firm. I guess our decision has been made now :-) thanks for the feedback to all RMAs. Carlos from Sellanes Clark & Associates

  • Liana - Allan
    Liana - Allan Thursday, 05 December 2013

    LexisNexis have been marketing heavily to me as well. There are currently three offers out there in the migration agent marketplace from LexisNexis:
    1. Expired offer via Migration Alliance - 13 months for the price of 12 (no longer endorsed or promoted) - Migration Alliance supports and promotes LEGENDcom:
    2. LexisNexis direct offer $790
    3. Offer via MIA 10% off annual rate
    LexisNexis have called my office twice and sent me an email twice offering me, the founder of Migration Alliance, the LexisNexis direct offer. Go figure.

  • Guest
    Xing C Thursday, 05 December 2013

    LexisNexis also calling me on my office number and sending me emails. I am already sick to hear of them. Why can't they stop to force their product on me. If Migration Alliance supports Legend then I go with Legend. At least Migration Alliance tell us reality. I am a member of MIA too I wonder if MIA is going to stop to promote the LexisNexis offer. I looked at it and it is not so good as

  • Guest
    Sandra Willis Thursday, 05 December 2013

    I have been contacted by Lexis Nexis 3 or 4 times over the last 6 months. On the last occasion i mentioned that I use Leap Migration Software and that I didn't believe that Lexis Nexis was compatible with this. I was going to explore whether there were any plans to remedy this but the sales representative said goodbye and hung up! I guess not.

  • Guest
    Joanna Thursday, 05 December 2013

    I am a member of MIA and MA and also getting the $790 email from Lexis Nexis. The email thanked me for my time today but I never spent any time with anyone from Lexis Nexis. Why are there so many offers for us agents. There are only 5000 agents aren't there? Or maybe less. Why do we need to have so many offers for the one product in such a small market? Maybe they are desperate for sales?

  • Guest
    Jennifer Fong Thursday, 05 December 2013

    I have done the LexisNexis trial product and in my opinion the product should not be released in it's current form. I feel the release of the product is premature due to the fact that the links not working properly, there are some errors (error wording) when clicking on hyperlinks. Some of the links does not link you to the actual place but to a generic place. The case study mentioned either was not there or not worth using (in my opinion). I prefer Legend.

  • Guest
    J Wu Thursday, 05 December 2013

    I prefer LegendCOM. LexisNexis too pushy into market when first releasing with all these offer. Makes me think desperate and not worry about what RMA wants but all about making money fast.

  • Guest
    Mary - RMA Thursday, 05 December 2013

    LexisNexis if you are reading this will you stop with the calls and emails already I don't want your product. If MA says Legendcom then I will use Legendcom.

  • Guest
    RMA SMITH (MR) Thursday, 05 December 2013

    Legendcom all the way for me too .....thanks MA I was about to consider the LEXIS NEXUS deal but now I will stick to the LEGEND!

  • Guest
    RMA 20 years experience Thursday, 05 December 2013

    Fillable forms - LEGENDCOM = YES
    Fillable forms - LEXISNEXIS = NO

    Winner - LEGENDCOM

  • Guest
    Dave Thursday, 05 December 2013

    LegendCom is the best. I have tried using Lexis Nexis but it is not user friendly and more over their customer service is not up to the standard. I just felt they are just some sales people rather than willing to answer my queries.

  • Guest
    RMA Thursday, 05 December 2013

    Case officers use the same Legendcom.

  • Guest
    No brainer... Thursday, 05 December 2013

    Yep LEXISNEXIS is an inadequate contender to LEGENDcom

  • Guest
    RMA Lawyer Thursday, 05 December 2013

    Totally agree and frankly I couldn't believe MA was endorsing it to begin with... LexisNexis, to me, is like a silly knockoff that ends up in the $2 shop :D

  • Guest
    Bea Leoncini Friday, 06 December 2013

    I'm glad that MA has decided not to endorse the product as it stood - I found the trial less than desirable, it didn't work well, I found it difficult to navigate, the commentary was hard to find, if at all and the assumption by their staff that if I am contacted long and hard enough, I will acquiesce is quite misguided - I indicated that the product was no good for my purposes because of all of the above and they still keep at it... LegendCom is the best product and their support services are accessible and prompt (though I must say the new website is a bit disconcerting - everything seems to evolving, and so must we...) It makes me wonder, though, why would anyone compete with Legend if the product they're pushing doesn't even come close... Maybe this mob thinks, like some other institutions out there, that some of us are a bunch of slow pokes who don't speak much English and we won't fully understand what they're trying to flog...

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