Breaking Australian immigration news brought to you by Migration Alliance and associated bloggers.
Migration Alliance has been asked to assist the tribunals by identifying Migration Agents suitable to participate in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) of the online lodgement system.
Migration Alliance has been asked to assist the Tribunals by identifying five (5) Migration Alliance member Migration Agents to assist with UAT? Ideally the MRT-RRT would like Migration Agents who represent a diverse range of clients across the following visa classes:
o Skilled migration - Onshore / Offshore (only where applicants are sponsored for a regional area)
o Student visas - Onshore only
o Business visas – Onshore / Offshore
o Family visas – Onshore only (for Parent, Child and partner cases)
o Detention cases - usually Bridging Visa E refusals/cancellations and time limited
o Protection visa cases – Onshore and UMAs
Please note, this first stage of the project is primarily focused around the lodgement of applications. Further stages are in development where additional functionality will be delivered. While any feedback relating to desirable functionality is most welcome, the primary objective of this stage is the lodgement of applications.
Migration Agent UAT is tentatively scheduled for the week beginning 13 January 2014. The tribunals will need the contact details of Migration Agents chosen for UAT. Testers will be given a testing spread sheet which they may use to record their findings. We would also appreciate any screenshots which may assist in explaining their feedback. Due to the project schedule, the link provided to Testers will only be available for a one week window. Dates will be confirmed in the near future.
If you would like to participate in the UAT as a MA member RMA and are available during the dates mantioned above please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and details of the visa subclasses you cover from the above list.
my assistant needed AU Form 1008 earlier today and came across a company that hosts lots of fillable forms . If others are wanting AU Form 1008 too , here's a link "".
Five RMA names have been provided to the MRT-RRT and the MRT-RRT have been asked to contact each agent directly.