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Posted by on in Investment visas
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Significant Investor Visa Portal - making the SIV process easier

Migration Alliance has worked long and hard putting together a portal for Significant Investors and migration agents who are advising Significant Investor Visa (SIV) clientele.

We found that the process for the intending migrant was quite disjointed, each part of the investment-led visa process being seperate from the next part, with nowhere that investors or those interested in this visa type could go and obtain all of the information in one easy-to-use location.  Therefore the concept of the Significant Investor Visa portal was born.

The initial phases included meetings with Australia's key organisations who could properly service the high net-worth migrants wishing to invest their hard earned money into Australian qualifying investments for the purpose of obtaining a subclass 188 or subclass 888 visa.

We believe that the portal is the answer to the investment-led migrant's main question, 'Who can I trust to provide me with XYZ services for my investment visa to Australia?'

The portal combines a series of trusted brands such as Nab, PwC, Macquarie and Ord Minnett so that the investor can be confident that they are working with the right organisations when placing their trust in individuals that they do not know in Australia.  Trust is important, especially to migrants from mainland China.

The Italian version of the SIV portal will go live tomorrow and the Chinese version shortly thereafter.  We are just finalising the final pages in these other languages.  The Indonesian pages will be live by the end of this week.

The portal is an excellent way for migants to locate Registered Migration Agents who are members of Migration Alliance as the 'find an agent' function is listed as a step in the 6 stage process.

To view the Migration Alliance SIV portal, please click here.

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