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States and Territories

States and Territories

Posted by on in States and Territories

Updates to Victoria’s State Nomination Occupation List and State Nomination Occupation List for Graduates were published on on 10 September 2013.

These lists detail the occupations and eligibility criteria for state nomination of skilled migrants. They are updated twice a year and reflect the dynamic labour market in Victoria and the current occupations in demand. Changes include:

New occupations:

  •     Child Care Centre Manager
  •     Primary School Teacher (with specialisation in languages)
  •     Physicist (Medical Physicist Only)
  •     Nuclear Medicine Technologist
  •     Metal Machinist (First Class)
  •     Health Information Manager

Removed occupations:

  •     Plumber (General)
  •     Carpenter
  •     Joiner
  •     Carpenter and Joiner
  •     Surveyor
  •     Accountant (General)
  •     External Auditor

Applications in the removed occupations will continue to be accepted until 24 September 2013.

There have also been updates in some occupations to work experience, English language and specialisations requirements.

View the full State Nomination Occupation Lists

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