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Suppose the sponsor for a partner visa is suffering from a litany of health issues.

Does that necessarily mean that the applicant will be able to get a waiver of Schedule 3 criteria to enable her/him to remain in Australia while a partner visa application is being processed?

A recent decision by Judge Baird of the Federal Circuit Court in the case of Mensah v Minister for Home Affairs & Anor (2018) FCCA 1204 (10 May 2018) indicated that “it ain’t necessarily so”!

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Do you remember the curious and unusual case of Guder v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2017) FCCA 626?

That was a case that highlighted an unusual aspect of the regulations relating to the now-repealed 457 visa program: namely, that the legislative instrument relevant to the English language proficiency requirement for the grant of 457 visas, IMMI 15/028, was written in terms that provided that an applicant had 3 years from the date of the lodgment of the application to satisfy the requirement.

The legislative instrument struck me as being somewhat “counter-intuitive”, in that one would have thought that having a satisfactory level of proficiency in English would be a “time of application” requirement.

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About ImmiSys

ImmiSys is a cloud based, purpose built client management system, integrating immigration and education.

It is highly automated and extremely easy to use. ImmiSys is the only truly cloud based workflow and client management system purposely designed for the Australian immigration and education industry. ImmiSys are confident that their system will transform your business so you need only focus on your migration clients. Everything else will be taken care of by the system. Greater efficiency will be achieved and customer satisfaction will be improved. You can now say good bye to all those cumbersome spreadsheets. ImmiSys also seamlessly integrates your email system and billing system. With ImmiSys, you have a 360 degree view of your overall business at any point of time.  Check out the people who sit behind ImmiSys: 

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On 8 May 2018, the legislation that will introduce changes to the "training contributions" that employers who sponsor visas for skilled workers - the "Migration Amendment (Skilling Australians Fund) Charges Bill 2017 - finally passed both houses of Parliament. 

The legislation will come into force on a day that it receives "royal assent" - presumably very soon!

The text of the legislation can be read by clicking here.

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Migration Alliance now has just over 5000 member migration agents.  It would be fair to say that a large proportion of MIA members are dual Migration Alliance members.   Our members have started complaining about the removal of "free" travel insurance which was part of their MIA annual membership.
When I was on the MIA Board the " free" travel insurance was regarded by the membership as a real incentive to maintain their membership.
When I left the MIA and set about creating Migration Alliance with Liana Allan, the fact of MA being entirely free was not enough of an incentive for some MIA members to jump ship.  They  spoke about the travel insurance benefit.
I think it is fair to say that this recent decision to not fund "free" travel insurance will rock the boat even further.  
MIA had huge cash reserves when it was uncoupled from the MARA but now has to pinch pennies. What happened?
How do you compete with Migration Alliance who offers the same range of services and support for free?
By the way, if you want annual travel insurance from your peak professional association then please watch this space.   Migration Alliance will soon be releasing an industry travel insurance for RMAs.  This time, RMAs will be able to see exactly what they are paying for their travel insurance. The aggregated price per premium will not be hidden in the cost of an annual membership fee.  It will be stated clearly and members can either choose to take it up or not.  There is also the option of travel insurance via a credit card, which is something Migration Alliance advised agents about years ago.
What, if anything is the MIA going to provide in replacement for the travel insurance they have just taken away from their members?  Will members continue to pay the same high annual membership fees to the MIA, minus the travel insurance?
Room for thought.
Christopher Levingston
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