Refugee Protection Bill 2018 and Explanatory Memorandum
This bill provides for a sustainable, equitable and humane response to the protection and processing of asylum seekers and refugees in the Asia Pacific region. A key component of this bill is the Asia Pacific Asylum Seeker Solution (APASS), a regional framework to be initiated by the Australian Government in partnership with other Asia Pacific countries. All countries party to APASS must be legally bound to provide effective protection for asylum seekers as provided under international law.
This Act enables the establishment of a network of centres, located in and run by Asia Pacific countries including Australia, where asylum seekers can go to be registered, have their immediate humanitarian needs met and lodge a preference for country of re-settlement. If the asylum seeker selects Australia, and is within the specified quota, this Act establishes a process for assessing their claim in Australia with appropriate oversight, limited timeframes and judicial review. The Act does not allow mandatory detention and priorities the applicant's immediate needs and refugee and international human right laws.
Sources: Refugee-Protection-Bill-2018.pdf and