Case study – Failure to Success (licensing, registration and membership)!
One of our latest cases regarding the topic of licensing, registration and membership involved an individual who was in the process of applying for his Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream under the ENS (subclass 186 scheme).
The applicant duly fulfilled his obligatory two (2) years of employment with the employer and was eligible for the ENS TRT permanent residence visa. However the process was not as straightforward as it should have been.
The applicant was sponsored by a telecommunications company under the subclass 457 visa in 2013 under the nominated occupation of a Construction Project Manager (ANZSCO 133111). However in actual fact, the applicant should have chosen the ICT Project Manager position (ANZSCO 135112) as it would have suited the applicant better and on top of the fact the an ICT Manager is not required to show registration, licensing or membership.