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It is now a Schedule 1 requirement that the applicant must not have turned 45 at the time of invitation to apply for the visa.

It seems that the Treasury and DIBP may not be singing from the same hymn sheet. A person of 45 years of age is a long way from retirement age, and will contribute potentially another 25 years of skilled labour to the Australian economy (and to their superannuation funds).

The visa system does not exist in isolation; it sits in a system of markets such as the local labour market, and increased longevity. Australia’s Future Tax Review discussed an increase in the preservation age for superannuation to 67 years to be phased in from 2024. For immigrants, there could be a greater need to work for longer to make up for a potential shortfall in retirement income through Australian superannuation.

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The Budget 2017: Funding apprenticeships through a levy on business sponsors. 

Again we see our political leaders passing the blame for their own inadequacies to immigrants.

 The Australian business community cannot be held to ransom over the political failure to adequately fund and support the training of Australian skilled workers. Realistically this is an additional tax (just another term for levy) to be imposed on business to further disadvantage small business. The very Australian businesses that are suffering from the skills shortage, are being expected to foot the bill.

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