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Piotr Ferenc

Piotr Ferenc

Piotr Ferenc has not set their biography yet

Posted by on in Jobs in Australia

I just e-mailed 457 management hoping that answer will be given this time. 

Dear Policy Officer/Manager 

Please clarify the standing of the policy in relation to the position of Customer Service Manager ANZSCO 149212.

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Stupid me! I was trying to get some firm answer through the agent’s gateway, which seems to be designated for purpose of clarifying “complicated policy issues“.

If the matter is not complicated enough, obviously do not dare to ask. An RMA has to be suitably qualified to maintain their registration and have suitable skills (I guess in 'mind reading' the Department’s intentions and policy).  I am not sure if the certificate 3 or 4 in fortune telling or mind reading is suitable, as the Office of the MARA failed to specify this requirement as part of our registration.

The requirement of qualification recognition for specific occupations, and listed countries is set up by PAM 3. 

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It was always my view, that there is no bigger or smaller half, majority means more than 50 % . Obviously I am wrong .  The 457 visa legislation requires  nominator to certify that the tasks or duties of the nominated occupation will include a "significant majority" of the tasks or duties described in the relevant occupation dictionary or legislative instrument . 

The  457 visa compliance unit intends to sanction my client on the basis of visa holder is performing prescribed tasks and duties for approximately 80% of the employment time.  That  is "not enough " according to the Delegate . 

Seeking explanation what this "significant majority " means,  while 80 % "is not good enough " I turned to very helpful , as usually "agent's gateway "  getting helpful and competent answer .

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Ombudsman says : "Your employer may choose to pay you using cash, cheque, money or postal order, or through electronic funds transfer into your bank account."



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I lodged  parent visa (by the way my in-law's) subclass 103 on Friday 30.06.2014 by fax. 

It is my understanding that The Electronic Transaction Act over rides schedule 1 however acting assistant director of Perth Parents Processing Centre I spoke to today,  claims that  their view is different as the fax number for lodgement of 103 visa is not publicly advertised.

Is it right?  

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