Cutting red tape government website - RMA call to action
Make a submission today to stop over-regulation of the migration agent profession:
Registered Migration Agents (RMAs) can take advantage of the Australian Government's plan to cut $1 billion in red tape every year. The first repeal day will be in the House of Representatives on Wednesday 26 March. That is coming up very shortly. Please urgently make submissions to assist deregulate our profession, in particular the Office of the MARA (OMARA) and their shocking and ever increasing levels of red tape. The Office of the MARA have become nothing short of the 'RMA police'.
Have a look at the hefty obligations and huge fees ($1595) RMAs pay every year to re-register. I think the Office of the MARA call it a 'charge' so they can get away with not providing us with a service. If they really wanted to provide the public with value then they would be advocating the use of migration agents to the vulnerable public and asking the DIBP to get rid of unregistered practice. Instead they spent $0.00 last financial year advertising the services of RMAs. Instead the Office of the MARA spend their time in their micro-bubble regulating the life out of RMAs. OMARA also spend huge amounts of money on their relatively new prestigious offices overlooking Hyde Park in Sydney. Surely OMARA could rent space in accommodation more befitting of the public service and not a high-end law firm?