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Migration (Specification of Degrees) Instrument (LIN 24/048) 2024

Migration (Specification of Degrees) Instrument (LIN 24/048) 2024

Issued by: Authority of the Minister for Home Affairs

Effective Date: 1 July 2024

The Migration (Specification of Degrees) Instrument (LIN 24/048) 2024, effective from 1 July 2024, updates the Migration Regulations 1994. This instrument repeals the previous Migration (Specification under clause 485.231—Qualifications) Instrument (LIN 23/023) 2023 and specifies new degrees required for Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visa applicants in the Post-Higher Education Work stream.

Key Points:

  1. Amendment and Repeal:

    • Repeals LIN 23/023 and replaces "qualifications" with "degrees".
    • Updates the list of specified degrees for the Subclass 485 visa under the amended subclause 485.231(1).
  2. Specified Degrees:

    • Bachelor degree
    • Bachelor honours degree
    • Graduate certificate
    • Graduate diploma
    • Masters degree (research)
    • Masters degree (coursework)
    • Masters degree (extended)
    • Doctoral degree (research)
    • Doctoral degree (professional)
    • Higher doctoral degree
  3. Purpose:

    • Aligns with the Migration Amendment (Graduate Visas) Regulations 2024 to provide a pathway for early career professionals.
    • Enhances the quality, integrity, and competitiveness of Australia’s international education sector by ensuring applicants hold specified degrees.
  4. Implementation:

    • The instrument supports the new subclause 485.231(1) which requires degrees conferred or awarded by specified educational institutions, ensuring applicants meet the Australian study requirement.
  5. Consultation:

    • No external consultation was necessary as the changes implement previous government decisions and expand the list of specified degrees to include graduate certificates and diplomas.

This amendment ensures that Subclass 485 visa applicants in the Post-Higher Education Work stream hold degrees that meet the updated regulatory standards, thereby maintaining the robustness of Australia’s immigration and education framework.

Source: LIN24048-Instrument.pdf and LIN24048-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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