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Migration (Daily Maintenance Amount for Persons in Detention) Determination (LIN 24/017) 2024

Effective 1 July 2024, the Australian Government has enacted the Migration (Daily Maintenance Amount for Persons in Detention) Determination (LIN 24/017) 2024. This regulation specifies a revised daily cost for the maintenance and care of individuals in immigration detention, now set at $538.79. This determination replaces previous instruments and ensures uniformity across all immigration detention centres, including the newly designated centres in Adelaide, Brisbane, and Melbourne. The updated amount, which will remain effective until 30 June 2026, reflects the current minimum cost to the Commonwealth.

The Department of Home Affairs has calculated this amount based on direct costs incurred by the Commonwealth, covering facility-based corporate overheads, catering, cleaning, facilities management, security, health services, and other related expenses. This adjustment aims to ensure that the Commonwealth's expenses for maintaining individuals in detention are accurately represented, upholding transparency and financial responsibility.

It is crucial to stay informed and adhere to these updated regulations to ensure compliance.

Source: LIN24017.pdf and Migration-Daily-Maintenance-Amount-for-persons-in-detention-Determination-LIN-24017-2024-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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