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Migration (Subclass 192 (Pacific Engagement) Visa Pre-application Process) Determination (LIN 24/011) 2024

The "Migration (Subclass 192 Pacific Engagement) Visa Pre-application Process Determination (LIN 24/011) 2024" document outlines a new legislative framework aimed at streamlining the pre-application process for the Subclass 192 (Pacific Engagement) visa. Issued under the authority of the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, this instrument is effective the day after its registration and falls under the legislative purview of the Legislation Act 2003.

Purpose and Background: The purpose of this determination is to establish a random selection process by ballot for registered participants from Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste, who will then be eligible to apply for the Subclass 192 Visa, aimed at enabling permanent residence in Australia. This initiative is part of the Australian government's commitment to strengthen ties with Pacific nations and Timor-Leste and increase their nationals' access to permanent residency in Australia.

Key Features:

  • The instrument specifies the eligibility requirements for participants, the process of registration, and the random selection mechanism for those who may apply for the visa.
  • The process is designed to be fair and equitable, allowing a diverse group of individuals from specified nations a chance to reside permanently in Australia.
  • Up to 3,000 visas, including family units of primary applicants, will be allocated annually through this ballot system.

Consultation and Human Rights Consideration:

  • The determination has been developed in consultation with various Australian government departments, ensuring a comprehensive approach to the visa process.
  • It includes a Statement of Compatibility with Human Rights, affirming that the process upholds human rights standards and that any limitations imposed are reasonable, necessary, and proportionate.

Operational Details:

  • The visa pre-application process involves several stages, including registration during an open period, a random ballot for selection, and subsequent notification to the selected individuals.
  • Detailed rules regarding eligibility, registration procedures, selection processes, and the obligations of participants are meticulously outlined to maintain the integrity and efficiency of the process.

This document is essential for migration agents and lawyers working with clients from the Pacific region, providing a clear framework for assisting clients through the new visa pre-application process.

Source: Migration-Sc192-Pacific-Engagement-Visa-Pre-Application-Process-Determination-LIN24011-2024.pdf and Migration-Sc192-Pacific-Engagement-Visa-Pre-Application-Process-Determination-LIN24011-2024-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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