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Migration (Granting of Contributory Parent Visas, Parent Visas and Other Family Visas During Financial Year 2023-2024) Instrument (LIN 24/004) 2024

The Migration (Granting of Contributory Parent Visas, Parent Visas, and Other Family Visas During Financial Year 2023-2024) Instrument (LIN 24/004) 2024, issued under the authority of the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services, and Multicultural Affairs, amends the Migration Regulations 1994 to specify the maximum number of various family visas that may be granted within the financial year 2023-2024.

This legislative instrument, effective from the day following its registration until its repeal on July 1, 2024, sets caps for the Contributory Parent visas at 6,800, Parent visas at 1,700, and Other Family visas at 500. These numbers include specific allocations for the Retiree Pathway under the Contributory Parent and Parent visa categories.

The instrument aims to manage the equitable and orderly processing of visa applications in these categories, addressing the significant demand that outweighs the available supply of visa places. This capping mechanism, an annual process since 2011, aligns with the Australian Government’s migration program numbers announced during the budget. The decision reflects consultations involving internal and external stakeholders, public submissions, economic forecasts, and various other considerations to determine migration program numbers.

This structured approach to visa allocation supports the Australian Government's efforts to manage the migration program effectively and respond to the needs of the migration landscape, ensuring that family reunification processes remain orderly and fair. The Office of Impact Analysis has determined that the measures within this instrument are of a minor or machinery nature, negating the need for an Impact Analysis.

Source: LIN24004.pdf and LIN24004-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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