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Migration (Class of Persons for Nil VAC-LIN 24/008) Specification 2024

The Migration (Class of Persons for Nil VAC—LIN 24/008) Specification 2024, authorized by the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, and Multicultural Affairs, outlines significant updates to the Migration Regulations 1994. This instrument, which commenced the day after its registration and repeals the previous IMMI 14/032, is designed to extend visa application charge (VAC) exemptions for certain applicants of the Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa in the Tourist stream. Specifically, it applies to family members and approved representatives of passengers or crew aboard the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, supporting those connected to the aircraft that disappeared on 8 March 2014.

LIN 24/008 maintains the policy established by its predecessor, IMMI 14/032, without altering the specified class of persons eligible for the nil VAC. This decision, made after consultation with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Office of Impact Analysis, reflects a commitment to continuing support for the families affected by the MH370 tragedy. The instrument underscores the Australian government's empathetic approach towards those impacted by the event, ensuring they face no financial burden should they need to follow up on developments related to the flight in Australia.

Source: LIN24008.pdf and LIN24008-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

#MigrationLaw #AustralianImmigration #MH370 #HumanitarianSupport #MigrationRegulations

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