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Applications Open for NSW Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491) Pathway 1

We are excited to inform you that the nomination process for the Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa, Pathway 1, in New South Wales, is now accepting applications. In the subsequent sections, you will find comprehensive details about the nomination procedure and the critical criteria that applicants are required to meet.

This pathway aims to facilitate skilled professionals who are already making significant contributions to the dynamic community and economy of New South Wales.

Guidelines for NSW Nomination under the Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491) Pathway 1

For a successful application to New South Wales nomination for the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491) via 'Pathway 1', adhere to the following key steps:

  1. Verify Eligibility: Ensure you meet all the visa requirements as specified by the Department of Home Affairs and the specific criteria for NSW nomination.

  2. Expression of Interest (EOI) Submission: Submit your EOI through SkillSelect. Your EOI should be specific to the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491) and indicate your interest in NSW nomination only. Note: Post-application, amendments to your EOI are not possible. Therefore, it is crucial to verify the accuracy and completeness of your EOI before submission.

  3. Application Process: Fill out the provided application form and attach ALL necessary supporting documents in a single .zip file for submission.

  4. Evaluation Phase: After your application is received, it will undergo an assessment based on NSW's nomination criteria. The assessment process may take up to six weeks.

  5. Notification of Outcome: If your application aligns with our criteria, you will be issued an invitation to apply for the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491) by the Department of Home Affairs. This invitation will be sent to the email address specified in your SkillSelect EOI.

    Click here to apply:

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