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Migration (Australian Government Endorsed Event - 2024 ASEAN-Australia Special Summit) Instrument (LIN 23/084) 2023

One of the criteria for a Subclass 408 (Temporary Activity) visa, set out at clause 408.229 in Schedule 2 to the Migration Regulations, is that the applicant seeks to enter or remain in Australia to undertake work directly associated with an event that is specified in a legislative instrument made by the Minister for the purposes of paragraph 408.229(b). 

In addition, the applicant must be in a class of persons specified in the instrument in relation to the event (paragraph 408.229(c)). 

The purpose of the instrument is to specify the 2024 ASEAN-Australia Special Summit (the Summit) as an event for the purpose of paragraph 408.229(b). The Summit will be the second ASEAN-Australia Special Summit held in Australia. 

The purpose of the instrument is to ensure that individuals accredited by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to attend the Summit may apply for a Subclass 408 (Temporary Activity) visa with a nil visa application charge, and may be eligible for the grant of the visa if they seek to enter or remain in Australia to undertake work directly associated with the Summit.

The purpose of the Summit is to commemorate the 50th anniversary of ASEAN-Australia Dialogue Relations, to facilitate greater collaboration with the Invested: Australia’s Southeast Asia’s Economic Strategy to 2040, and to demonstrate Australia’s ongoing commitment to deepening engagement with Southeast Asia.

Source: LIN23084.pdf and LIN23084-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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