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DEPT OF HOME AFFAIRS: Student & student guardian visa processing priorities - New Ministerial Direction for prioritising student & student guardian visa applications signed on 14 December 2023 - Formalises Fed Govt's processing priorities

The Australian Government has implemented Ministerial Direction No. 107 to establish priority guidelines for processing student and student guardian visa applications, signed on December 14, 2023.

This directive formalizes processing priorities based on different education sectors and institutes' evidence levels. It prioritizes certain applicant categories, like those applying from outside Australia in specific sectors or studying at institutes with Evidence Level 1.

Additionally, it emphasizes unmarried family members under 18 in subsequent entrant applications and gives high priority to Student Guardian visa applications.

The directive also addresses secondary applicants and course packaging scenarios.

These processing priorities apply to applications submitted on or after December 15, 2023, and those pending finalization before this date. Applications lodged within Australia will follow existing processing procedures.

Source: Student-and-Student-Guardian-visa-processing-priorities.pdf

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