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DEPT OF HOME AFFAIRS: Review of Australia's visa Significant Cost Threshold (SCT) - Consultation - Discussion Paper

Submissions will close on Friday 17 November 2023 by COB 

The Department of Home Affairs recognises the importance of engaging with the community to ensure that the Migration Health Requirement (under Public Interest Criteria 4005 and 4007 as outlined in the Migration Regulations 1994) and its relevant policy settings, continue to facilitate a balance of fairness while containing public expenditure on health and community services.

The Australian public is invited to provide their views on the policy settings for the Australian visa Significant Cost Threshold (SCT). The SCT is the underpinning policy to ‘contain public expenditure on health care and community services’1 from migration.

To inform this policy proposal the Department of Home Affairs has consulted with:

• state and territory governments and Commonwealth agencies; and

• peak health and disability organisations

Terms of Reference

• How the Australian visa Significant Cost Threshold is calculated

• How ‘Significant’ is defined in the Australian visa Significant Cost Threshold

• The implications of special education as a costing policy definition of ‘community service’

• The impact of the migration health requirement on non-citizen children with a disability born in Australia to people on temporary visas.

• And any other matters in relation to the Migration Health Framework.

This paper provides background information to inform written submissions.

Source: Review-of-Australias-Significant-Cost-Threshold-CST.pdf


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