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Winner of the National Indigenous Scholarship, Jamesina Brown to accept her scholarship at the National Migration Conference on 6 October 2023

Legal Training Australia is offers one fully funded scholarship per year to study the Graduate Diploma in Migration Law and Practice and Migration Agents Capstone Assessment, sponsored by Allianz Partners.

Applications are now closed for 2023.  The 2023 winner is Jamesina Brown.

Applications for 2024 are now open. Applications close on 20 August 2024. Applicants must:

  • Be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and be able to provide *proof of descent
  • Be seeking a scholarship for The Graduate Diploma in Migration Law and Practice and Migration Agents Capstone Assessment
  • Have applied or be in the process of applying to an Australian University for study in The Graduate Diploma in Migration Law and Practice
  • Provide proof of enrolment or an acceptance letter
  • Provide a certified copy of their most recent academic results
  • Provide one letter from a referee
  • Have a home location in Australia
  • Provide a passport sized photograph
  • Provide a certified copy of their birth certificate and/or evidence of Australian Citizenship

Jamesina Brown is flying to Sydney from her home town on the Gold Coast to accept the 2023 National Indigenous Scholarship.  Come along to the conference to congratulate Jamesina.

To book into the National Migration Conference on 6 October, or to find out more about it, click here:

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