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English Test for Citizenship: Submission by the Australia Iran Migration Consultants Association

In April 2017, the Australian Government proposed replacing the requirement of ‘basic’ proficiency in English with ‘competent’ proficiency in English as a criterion for citizenship.

Australia Iran Migration Consultants Association has prepared the following submission regarding strengthening the test for Australian Citizenship:


The President of the Association has requested that the submission be published on the Migration Alliance website so that an opportunity for migration agents / solicitors to express their views on these proposed changes can be made.

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  • Guest
    Sirous Friday, 02 June 2017

    Great submission. Thank you.

  • Guest
    Allan Friday, 02 June 2017

    To the executive and the author of the submission you have raised some very important concerns and I would like to add in supporting the facts as presented by adding the following sketchy remarks of historical time line.
    Arthur Calwell, the first minister for Immigration, made the following pledge in 1946: 'Australia hopes that for every foreign migrant there will be ten people from the United Kingdom'
    In the early part of the nineteenth century the Chinese were the largest group to migrate to Australia during the gold rush era but when the gold was depleted they began to grow crops (market Gardens) and started profitable business in the restaurant trade and laundry industry. Very many became successful business men and women, but they either could not speak English or they had very little English. This lack of English did not stop them from integrating, assimilating and adding value to the Australian landscape?
    Australia saw the beginning of multiculturalism which we in the 21st century now enjoy.
    But what crept in was the White Australia policy following Federation in 1901: Immigration Restriction Act. A dictation test was introduced that could be taken in any European language. This was to stop the Chinese and South Sea Islanders from migrating to Australia.
    It was not until the 1970 that Australia saw the repealing of the restrictive White Australia policy.
    The question that the author of the Submission raises concerns the use of the following word ‘Unsuitability’ of the English Proficiency Test as a criterion for Citizenship.
    Those concerns are rooted historically in the Australian timeline as have been outlined above in the opening remarks of this response to the submission.
    The new requirements set down by the Department of Immigration and Border Patrol has broadened the term competency to a much higher level which will result in the elimination of many peoples from many lands not being able to meet the standard.
    What does this mean for Australia? One view of many would be that the Emu and the Kangaroo have learned to walk backwards (impossible!!) but for those in Canberra and the Immigration Department at the stroke of pen walk backwards and in their slow gait will create a divisive nation for the future by presenting another form of the White Australia policy. Time will tell! The pendulum has swung!

  • Guest
    Kourosh Keshavarz Friday, 02 June 2017

    In my opinion, even some Australian can not pass IELTS exam. I think people who have certificate 3 or 4 of English at TAFE would be enough if the language is required. Also, students at Universities shouldn't provide any document if they have student ID from any University in Australia. I think only fluent speaking skills would be enough for citizenship. Also, The IELTS exam has cost especially if people few times try to do the exam and I think it is not equitable.

  • Guest
    Saeed Saturday, 03 June 2017

    Absolutely true

  • Guest
    An Australian Citizen Friday, 02 June 2017

    I would call for 10 Australians to sit for IELTS test to see their results... The ten Australian born citizens may be chosen from the following occupations:
    1. Labourers 2. taxi drivers 2. Sellers 3. electricians 4. painters 5. case officers from the department of Immigration 6. MPs 7. Custom officers 8. School administration officers 9. an Australian born job seeker 10. Chefs

  • Guest
    Jack Friday, 02 June 2017

    Why not call on the PM himself.

  • Guest
    Sohila Saturday, 03 June 2017

    Exactly, I am sure so many even educated Australian born can not pass this test
    This is unfair

  • Guest
    Ebrahim Friday, 02 June 2017

    I believe nowadays Government should more intelligent than years ago
    In mathematics we have fuzzy logic today
    The black and white doesn't mean today
    There are a lot of things between 0 and 1
    Somebody that live here and work and pay tax should be different from other immigrants
    They can tell them if you pay tax for all 4 years and have not get money from government you don't need to Ielts and your process will be faster
    It is a motivator for all immigrants to find the job and pay the tax
    And government cost will be reduced

  • Guest
    Abbas Heidari Friday, 02 June 2017

    I'v permanent visa at the moment and working 6 days a week.If immigration needs IELTS certificate for citizenship,I'll leave my job and start to go to tafe for attend to English course full time and use centre link money .I think many of people will do that(leave job start English course).

  • Guest
    MARY Friday, 02 June 2017

    I disagree.

    As an engineers and Permanent Resident, I have already passed IELTS Test once and I really have no spear time to spend on that!
    Also IELTS is an official one like our University Entrance Exam in Iran and it does not responding a real English level.
    I'd rather they consider a course of English for applicant and maybe have a test of the subjects they teach applicants.

  • Guest
    Babak Friday, 02 June 2017

    As a skilled migrant who passed all the requirements such as IELTS and NATTI to become eligible to apply for permanente residency I found this recent government's decision completle unfair.

    Some people like me who came to Australia almost 5-6 years ago on a legal visa (higher education) already passed these requirement so many times in order to apply for these courses so I believe asking people like me to do the reset again is unfair.

    Moreover, I have been working as a full time employee for almost two years , I've been paying my tax and all the other contributions to the community as a permanent resident of Australia.

    So with all respect I believe postponing citizenship entitlement from 1 year after permanent residency to 4 years for people like me who lives in Australia, respect Australian laws and work hard along with other Australian everyday to make Australia better Place is completely unfair.

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    Alireza Friday, 02 June 2017

    Reasonable request. Current permanent residents under visa subclass 189 and 190 already provided their IELTS test results. Their dependants may need to meet basic English, but the level of competency described by the Department of Immigration is hard to achieve even for Australian born citizens (as shown by the data provided in the document)

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    Daryoush Friday, 02 June 2017

    With respect to the decision which has been made by PM and the government , I strongly believe the nature of language exam would be cruel , against of Australian culture and generous , given culture and multicultural society considering none Australian situation in Australia .
    People who have the dream to become a part of this great nation are coming from different back grand and culture .
    I believe Australia is belong to all Australian including Aborginals who talks in their native language and perhaps not English.
    What about an old men and women who have been brought to Australia as a refugee , can they really learn a new languages ? What a bout the young man and women who has been a witness of war , is that person capable of learning a new language while still straggling to become a member of new society ?
    What about a very young child , who has been brought to Australia by parents not knowing anything , that child should do an exam now ? What a bout the a man and women who has been working very hard to support their family to ensure that they are not depended on walfair , they had no orotundity to prepare for exam
    What about the one who came with working visa or sponcer visa ,
    I believe everyone in Australia should be able to communicate in English however having a language exam for group of people with no consideration of their personal Circumstances is a failure of ethic for the government
    Sorry in advance if there is an spelling or grammar mistake as Second language is not easy to learn

  • Guest
    Saman Friday, 02 June 2017

    I totally disagree with the IELTS test as a professional engineer spending 5 years in an engineering consultancies in Australia , I don't see any point of view for the rest to proof myself as an Australian . It might be a good idea to take the test from someone who don't have any local experiences and not a student .

    IELTS also cost money and creates a way for a group of people to make money.

  • Guest
    Yahya Friday, 02 June 2017

    I am sure that someone who is born in Australia can not to pass 6 or eiven 4or 5. / Do not proof please

  • Guest
    hadi Friday, 02 June 2017

    you have to pmprove your english language as well.the australian borned migrant who go to school will surely passt the today english test.

  • Guest
    Javid Saturday, 03 June 2017

    No they don't. They think they know English.

  • Guest
    Hasti htami Friday, 02 June 2017

    I am sure that is not great ideas to do most of the Australian people can not pass this test who is born in Australia. Please do not proof it.

  • Guest
    Nargus Friday, 02 June 2017

    In my point of view, it's not about English, it's about money. When you live in Australia you need to work to make money so you need to know English as much as it's essential. Passing Ielts exam and get high score means spend money on IELETS exams until get the specific score. Plus, we had to pass the IELTS exam for granting visa and now , our language has improved as we live and work in English environment. It's pointless.

  • Guest
    Shehneela Khan Friday, 02 June 2017

    Hi All, We have created a Facebook Group as campaign against the Unfair new Proposed Citizenship Rules announced on 20 April 2017, which has affected thousands of aspiring migrants who are as dedicated and contributing to Australian Society as Australian Citizens in their best capacities. We have initiated a petition on Change.Org and have submitted to DIBP on 1 June 2017 with 37000 signatures.
    Now we have started e-petition on Australian Parliament official website and we will appreciate your support towards it, because it a campaign for all, who are affected or will be affected by these new Proposed Rules. So please come forward and join us in this campaign, as together we can make it happen.
    You can find the e-petition link and Facebook Group information here.
    Facebook Group Page Name
    Say No to the 4 year PR wait for Citizenship

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