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Americans (and Everyone Else!!), Migrate to Australia, Be Happier, Live Longer!

So, “my fellow Amurricans”, is every new tweet and ill-considered phone call by Trump still giving you the creeps and making you think to yourself: “Get me out of here to someplace sane as fast as my legs will carry me?”

Did you read our earlier post  about what a wonderful safe haven Australia is in a world that seems to get nuttier by the minute and think: "Yeah, Australia sounds fantastic but getting a visa might be oh so hard!" (not  as hard as you may think, especially with the help of a Registered Migration Agent!!!!)

Remember the Mad Max movies? Yes there is life here in Australia even after the Apocalypse!

Or if you live in formerly “sane” place like Italy or France or the UK and you want to get out of the way of the tsunami of off-the charts extremism?

Our advice? Get a visa and “hop” onto the earliest flight you can book to Australia!

Don’t just take our word for it!

The numbers don’t lie, and neither does former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating when he says: “Ours is a better society than the United States”.

Just “have a look” (as Aussies love to say) at this article in the Sydney Morning Herald with the relevant statistics. 

Yep, that’s right.

On the Human Development Index, compiled by the United Nations, which ranks countries based on 3 fundamentals that determine quality of life (health, educational attainment and incomes), Australia ranks second in the world, just behind Norway!

And that’s not even taking the weather into account! (If you like fjords, the “fiords” as they call them on the South Island of New Zealand, only about 3 hours away, are truly awesome, take my word for it!!)

And the US on this chart? It was 8, pre-Trump. Which way is it heading with Cabinet picks who are hostile to universal healthcare and public education? Look out belowwwwwwww!

How about life expectancy?

Australia, ranked 4th in the world, has a life expectancy of 82.8 years.

The United States? How about 31st, with Chile, Costa Rica and Greece all higher.

And those figures don’t account for the number of people who will die of shock at the insane things Trump will do. Not to mention the ludicrous wars he’s likely to cause. Dr Strangelove for head of the National Security Agency? Bombs away! Or how about a “Mad Dog” for Secretary of Defense? Sleeping any better? Feeling safer???? 

How about overall health?

Australia? Top 10.

The US? Lagging in 28th place.

O yeah. That’s before the Republicans get around  to repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with…..nothing.  Remember, their latest mantra is “repeal and delay”.  Yeah, life without access to healthcare is just fantastic, isn’t it? How’s that one going to work out fer ya?

How about the overall efficiency of the respective health care systems?

Australia: No. 10 in the world.

America? Try limping behind by 40 places at 50th in the world.

What about overall fairness and income equality?

The figures tell us that the income gap between the richest and the poorest is far worse in America than in Australia.

And that’s before Trump’s Cabinet of “Billionaires and Bigots” gets their hands on power. Tax cuts for the wealthy? Everyone rich person needs a car elevator, just like Mitt Romhey, right? 

So, in 2017, instead of “Hamilton” being the biggest hit on Broadway, we can look forward to “Marie Antoinette!!!” featuring that new No. 1 hit, "Let them eat cake!!!"

Or maybe “Viva Duterte!” Or that great new musical comedy, “Putin!!!”

And what if you don’t like numbers or statistics?


Questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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