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Our readers will be pleased to know that Engineers Australia as well as the Australian Computer Society will be presenting to Registered Migration Agents on 21 July 2020.

Skills Assessment often plays a crucial part in the migration outcome.  With a number of different skills assessing bodies applying their own criteria towards determining a positive outcome, the task of securing a positive skill assessment can be somewhat cumbersome.

Why is there a need for a skills assessment?

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The following updated information has been released by the Australian Borderfoce relating to travellers wishing to LEAVE Australia.


Due to the current COVID-19 situation in Australia, including state and territory border restrictions, business closures and social distancing requirements, international visitors are encouraged to return home when possible to do so.

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As most of our readers are aware, Australia has strict border measures in place to protect the health of the Australian community. Very limited flights are currently available to and from Australia and you may not be able to travel at this time. 

All travellers arriving in Australia, including Australian citizens, are subject to mandatory quarantine for 14 days at a designated facility, such as a hotel, in their port of arrival. A traveller, Australian or otherwise may be required to pay for the costs of the quarantine. Quarantine is managed by relevant States and Territories therefore travellers are encouraged to contact their relevant State or Territory for specific instructions.

Travel restrictions

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The Australian Government has suspended processing of ETA visas until further notice. The ETA page used to make an application displays the following message

“Important notice
Strict travel restrictions are in place for all countries due to COVID 19. You should not apply for any visa until checking the latest information”

This visa is designed to allow a streamlined pathway for individuals from the following countries to enter and remain in Australia for up to three months per stay:

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The purpose of the instrument is to amend a drafting error, where the option for an application for a dependent child outside Australia to be made outside Australia, was removed from the principal instrument16/051when it was amended by 20/049. The amending instrument, Migration (LIN 20/049: Arrangements for child visa applications) Amendment Instrument 2020, was signed on 27 March 2020and will be in force until this amending instrument is made. This amendment instrument provides further guidance on how such an application is to be made.

Source: LIN20179.pdf and LIN20179-Explanatory-Statement.pdf

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