Non-Refoulement Obligations Unlikely To Prevent Visa Cancellations
It can be really really hard to challenge a decision of the Minister to cancel a visa on character grounds, and to protect a client from getting “booted out” of Australia.
As we have seen through the cases discussed on this blog over the course of the last several months, even people who have lived in Australia since early childhood, but for whatever reason, have not become Australian citizens, have lost their cases. These people are facing “removal” – a euphemism for “deportation” back to countries where they may have never lived, and with which they may have no connection in terms of family ties or work history. See for example Brown v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2015] FCAFC 141 (24 September 2015)
That is the bitter reality, and the bitter consequence, of the visa cancellation powers that have been introduced into the Migration Act.