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The following message has been received by RMAs from the Office of the MARA originating from email address, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :

Dear Registered Migration Agent,

From today the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (the OMARA) will stop issuing registration certificates and cards to registered migration agents. 
The OMARA is required by law to ensure that the Register of Migration Agents (the Register) shows all persons who are currently registered and their contact details. The electronic version of the Register provides accurate, secure and real-time information, reflecting any changes that may have occurred since the person was registered. Agent registration certificates and cards do not provide this level of accuracy or security and as such are being discontinued. This shift is also in alignment with the department’s digital transformation strategy. 
The OMARA’s long standing practice has been to direct consumers to the Register on the OMARA website to find, or to verify that they are using, a registered migration agent. Studies have shown that users of government services in Australia are increasingly choosing to engage government services through digital channels. With the advent of more widespread use of portable devices, consumers are able to search the Register at any time or place.
The OMARA understands that some agents produce their card or certificate when attending departmental offices. We have been in contact with all visa processing areas, airports, and detention centres to advise that verification that a person is an RMA is via the Register on the OMARA website. If you are accessing departmental premises (for example a detention centre) security staff will continue to ask you to provide photographic identification.
If you have not already given permission to display your photograph on the Register we encourage you to do so now. This adds an extra layer of security for your MARN. Consumers are then able to see that you are the registered migration agent they have agreed to engage. You can update your photo and preferences by logging in to the OMARA website. 
Office of the MARA 

Note: It will not be possible to issue any further cards to agents even if a card has been requested. The option to request a card will be removed from the online registration application form around July. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
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The Turnbull Government today announced it will undertake a review of the broad range of issues affecting the supply and taxation of working holiday maker 417 and 462 visas, the Minister for Small Business and Assistant Treasurer, Kelly O’Dwyer MP said. 

To provide for further consideration of these issues, the Commonwealth will defer the commencement of the previously announced changes to treat all working holiday makers as non-residents for tax purposes from July 1 for six months, pending the outcome of the review process,” Minister O’Dwyer said.

“The Government has listened to issues raised by stakeholders about workforce challenges faced by industries in regional and rural areas and how the taxation arrangements for Working Holiday Maker visa holders potentially affect industries such as agriculture and tourism. 

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The source information is available for download at the end of this article.

For questions about Australian immigration please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


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Is Public Interest Criterion 4020 valid? 

Does the PIC effectively deprive an applicant of the right to meaningful merits review of an adverse decision by the Department? 

These important questions were addressed in a decision that was handed down by Justice Perry of the Federal Court in the case of Thakur v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection (2016) FCA 473 (5 May 2016). 

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There are times when you read about a migration case and when you get to the end of the story you can feel nothing but complete sympathy for the applicant, even if, strictly speaking, the decisions made by the Department, the Tribunal and the Federal Circuit Court might have been “legally correct”. 

Perhaps in those types of cases, in just happens to be the case that there might not be a migration pathway that suits the applicant's circumstances. 

And when you read about a case like that you wonder: Is there really not a better way? Shouldn't there be some way to harmonise what our instincts may tell us should be the humanistic and compassionate approach with the framework of the Migration Act and Regulations? Or would the system collapse into an incoherent and unintelligible mess if there is too much room for “flexibility” and sympathy in taking into account the particular circumstances of an applicant and their family? 

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