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Gain new customers and improve profits with Bartercard

About Bartercard

Founded in 1991, Bartercard is the operator of the world’s largest trade exchange currently operating in eight countries and servicing 55,000 cardholders who barter-trade over $600 million world-wide each year. 

Bartercard facilitates the exchange of products and services without the use of cash, working with small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) across almost every industry as a dynamic and member-centric business solution. 

Using the latest systems and technology, Bartercard creates a flexible and fully accountable way of trading products and services without the challenge a direct swap – converting spare capacity, slow-moving stock, empty seats, excess or obsolete inventory and downtime into new sales income.  In 2016, Bartercard is celebrating 25 years of growing Australian business. 


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