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Heard of Australia

Heard Of Australia Pty Ltd – international relocation concierge is a unique company designed to help individuals, families and the corporate sector from around the world to Perth and Australia. Our dedicated concierge coordinators are there to assist the client with the following:

  • Selection of Migration Agent if needed
  • Assistance with Removalist quotes
  • Pick up at Airport and drop off to destination
  • Assistance with Real Estate requirements – rental or buying
  • Customised Orientation Tours / Seminars
  • Assistance with Banks, Financial Planners and Accountants
  • Full 12 month membership incorporating lifestyle integration and concierge as follows:
  • Restaurant Bookings
  • Hotel Reservations
  • Car Hire
  • Exclusive VIP access to nightclubs and venues
  • Tickets to sporting events
  • Event Management
  • Adventure Tours


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