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Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law & Practice



In Australia, registered migration agents must meet requirements under Part 3 of the Migration Act 1958.  In the twelve months before applying for registration, applicants must have:

  1. completed the Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law & Practice AND
  2. passed the prescribed exams which form part of this Graduate Certificate.


By legislation, the ANU is one of just four Australian universities which can offer the Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law & Practice.


Using a team of some of Australia's most highly qualified migration agents and migration law specialists teaching in a sophisticated online environment, the ANU Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law & Practice is Australia's largest Migration Law Program.  Students within Australia and around the world make the most of the flexibility that online study provides, accessing online resources, chatrooms, quizzes, discussion forums and web-conferencing-style live classrooms to stay in touch with fellow students, their teachers and up-to-the-minute guidance on complex legislation.


The Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law & Practice is open lawyers and non-lawyers who hold an Australian Bachelors degree.  The Program comprises four compulsory courses, each of 10 weeks duration.  In 2012, the upfront fee for each course is $2,550 (domestic students) and $3,414 (international students).


There are three intakes each year: commencing in February, May and September.

You can easily apply online to study in the ANU Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law & Practice.

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