The legislative update, issued by the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, introduces amendments to the Migration Regulations 1994 concerning specified work and areas for Subclass 417 and 462 Visas (Instrument LIN 24/020, 2024).

These changes, effective the day after registration on the Federal Register of Legislation, broaden the scope of 'specified work' to include recovery efforts from various natural disasters, such as floods, cyclones, or storm surges, beyond the initial focus on flood and bushfire recovery.

The amendments aim to recognise the vital contributions of Working Holiday Maker (WHM) program participants in disaster-stricken regions, facilitating quicker community and business recovery.

The adjustments also expand the geographical areas where specified recovery work is recognized, reflecting a more inclusive approach to disaster response and recovery efforts. Consultations with the National Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Home Affairs were conducted to ensure the updated provisions accurately reflect the range of natural disasters and affected areas, with detailed information available on the Department's website for visa holders and applicants.

This legislative instrument emphasises the Australian Government's acknowledgment of the significant role WHM visa holders play in supporting disaster recovery, adjusting the 'specified work' criteria to encompass a broader spectrum of recovery activities and affected areas.

LIN24020.pdf and LIN24020-Explanatory-statement.pdf