The Department of Home Affairs has published this information on it's Facebook page today: 

A cancelled migration agent has been sentenced to jail after an Australian Border Force investigation into unlawful immigration assistance. 

As part of Operation YAKTOWN, our ABF colleagues began following allegations that the ex-agent was providing false visa grant notices to prospective applicants. As a result of her conduct, some of her clients became unlawful in Australia despite believing they held valid visas. 
The woman was sentenced to nine months imprisonment and ordered to pay compensation to her victims. To read more visit:
The former agent was cancelled by the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) for breaches of the Code including engaging in fraudulent and dishonest behaviour. 

Don’t risk being exposed to migration fraud. If you want help with your visa application, use a person who is registered with the OMARA. There are Australian registered migration agents working all around the world, visit