As businesses continue to navigate through COVID19 pandemic, the drop the in the overall revenue has resulted in being unable to meet Caveat requirements in certain instances.

For example, nominated occupation of Accountant General requires the business for the purpose of 186 and 482 visa to demonstrate annual turnover of at least $1M.

In certain instances, it is possible for an associated entity to provide a letter of support to the main business.  The same does not apply to Caveats.  Below is a response from the Policy Section:

Question Raised:

This year due to COVID 19, the revenue fell short of approximately $x.  

The business has an associated entity, therefore with combined income, the business would meet the Caveat.

Could consolidated financial statements be used to meet the caveat?


In response to your query.


Financials from associated entities cannot be used to meet the requirements of the Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) visa program.




Employer Sponsored Program Management Section

Skilled and Family Visa Program Branch | Immigration Programs Division

Immigration and Settlement Services Group

Department of Home Affairs