Whilst we eagerly await for the composition of the new Skilled Occupations List, the Department of Home Affairs has released four new legislative instruments.

Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (Credit Card and PayPal Surcharge) Regulations 2020
This instrument amends the Australian Citizenship Regulation 2016, the Customs Regulation 2015 and the Migration Regulations 1994 to increase the surcharge applied to Visa and MasterCard credit card, and PayPal, payments for certain fees and charges, including visa application charges, nomination and sponsorship fees, citizenship-related fees and customs duties and taxes.
Some or all of this item commenced on 1/07/2020


Migration (LIN 20/002: Places and Currencies for Paying of Fees) Instrument 2020
This instrument operates to specify, under paragraphs 5.36(1)(a) and (b) of the Migration Regulations 1994, for the payment of a fee, as defined in subregulation 5.36(4) of the regulations (other than a visa application charge (VAC) payment to which subsection 5.36(3A) of the regulations applies), the places and corresponding currencies in which those fee payments must be made. The purpose of the instrument is to undertake a biannual update of the places and corresponding currencies in which payment of a fee may be made.
Item was repealed on 1/07/2020, and is no longer in force



Migration (LIN 20/003: Payment of Visa Application Charges and Fees in Foreign Currencies) Instrument 2020
This instrument undertakes a biannual update of the foreign currency exchange rates in relation to the Australian Dollar.
Some or all of this item commenced on 1/07/2020


Migration (LIN 20/004: Places and Currencies for Paying of Fees) Instrument 2020
This instrument specifies, for the purposes of paragraphs 5.36(1)(a) and (b) of the Migration Regulations 1994, the places where a payment of a fee must be made and the corresponding currencies in which payment of a fee is to be made.
Some or all of this item commenced on 1/07/2020


More Updates will be published as they become available.