Conservative Party leader Cory Bernardi has been calling for the government to clean up the visa system to stop these kind of rip-off rorts.

A practice called "student recycling" has emerged as one of the rorts used by unscrupulous education visa agents and registered training organisations in the troubled vocational education sector.

Conservative Party leader Cory Bernardi has been calling for the government to clean up the visa system to stop these kind of rip-off rorts.

The Australian Financial Review reports, the International Education Association of Australia says education agents enrol overseas students in a university or an RTO.

If the student struggles with their classes, the agents approach them again and offer to enrol them in a more suitable college. What the student doesn't know is the agent gets a commission on the second enrolment, which can be as much as 40 per cent of the student fee.

Source: unscrupulous-education-agents.pdf