I was thinking about what I actually give a f**k about and in that mild digression I realised that there are many things I don't give a f**k about.

What I don't give a f**k about are the proposed changes to the SOL and the 457 visa. I also don't give a f**k about cases being refused by DIBP, I don't give a f**k about cases being refused by the AAT. I also don't give a f**k about the whole Migration Act and regulations being fundamentally unfair.

I think deciding not to give a f**k about these things and a billion other things I have no control over is liberating and when I really think about if the SOL and the 457 visa is changed, DIBP refuses cases and the AAT affirms decisions and that the Migration Act and the Regs are unfair then that means more work for me. Now that is something I do give a f**k about!

What don't you give a f**k about?