I have been referred to a WA website where, apparently it is being suggested that a law degree and being admitted to practice as a solicitor may be the best choice if you have to choose lawyer or RMA?

I have been both a Solicitor and an RMA since before 1993 ( actually since 1988...I can't be sure but I think they were just building the pyramids) and I can honestly say that it is "Horses for Courses".

If I had a contentious matter with serious legal issues to be tried then I would engage a Solicitor if things had gone off the rails at the AAT and I wanted to go to the FCC.

The vast majority of RMAs I have met, trained and advised have all the skills necessary to give sound, rigorous and independent legal advice, albeit "immigration assistance". I have also met a few dopes as well. It is exactly the same in the legal profession, there are plenty of excellent lawyers but some real duds too!

My advice ...listen to your colleagues and your clients they know who to trust and when. Forget about spending any time agonising over the choice....you need the person who is a good fit for you!

Now for a little night music...https://www.google.com/search?q=ghostbusters+song&rlz=1C1GCEU_enAU821AU821&oq=Ghost+busters+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.6695j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8